Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays!

In keeping up with my yearly tradition since our first move from here in 2006 and consequent moves that led us back here (incl. the one that brought us back to the area exactly one year ago)...I doubt I'll be sending out holiday cards. Why break tradition? Hahaha. year.

The one tradition I have kept up with is taking our holiday photos. The one holiday photo tradition Sean has kept up with...fake smiles....or rather, extremely pained-frustrated-wanting-to-skin-our dogs-and-sell-our-kids-and-find-a-wife-who-is-not-a-perfectionist-and-takes-quicker-photos smiles. Mainly because while I'm tinkering with trying to get the photos right...he's handling the kids and the dogs...except for the dog & the kid who are clingy to mama....except the clingy kid is much better (he's with Dad this year). This is a prime example...

Still...Sean is the one who broke the tradition this year and passed it to me. So, here I am in all my plasticky smile glory while my beautiful family poses...

We're off to spend a glorious break in DC...time to enjoy some great food and loved ones!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! May your travels be safe and your celebrations special and joyful!

Kaia, Jaron, Remi, Jax, Sean, & Tan


Ellyn said...

Sis, merry belated christmas to you guys! Those photos can't beat the hilarious dog-sniffing-crotch-outtake photo. xoxoxo

Tanya said...

Thank you, Baby Sis!! I agree...that outtake was the best!! So good seeing you all!! *muwah*