Now, I miss me some South...esp. the Southern Fried Chicken...*droooool*. But, having to drive an hour-plus to get some Indian, Chinese, Korean, etc. food was re-dunkulous. It's great being back up here with a newly-opened International Supermarket (one of those ginormous Korean-owned supermarkets) right down the street and more diversity in cuisine all within a 30-minute or less drive...we're so happy. in the Hampton Roads area (Norfolk, VA Beach, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, etc.) is NOT known for fabulous food. In fact...if you ever see something that's been voted "Best of the Beach/Norfolk" might wonder who the voters are and if their tongues are working correctly. Yes, I am a food snob...but if it's voted at least better be GOOD...not "ok".
Anyhoo...I digress...we've posed the option of pizza or some other kind of fast food option to our kids. Often, since we're uber close to our fave Vietnamese location, we throw in Pho as an option as well. For those who don't know, pho is the wonderfully delicious Vietnamese beef noodle soup (which also is available in chicken) that you can top with some fresh herbs & other condiments and is soooooooo addictive!! Funny thing is, no matter what option is stacked against pho...pho always wins!!
I totally agree about giving kids a diverse food palate! Believe it or not, I've actually never had pho! Lately I've been trying to eat all the spicy food right now that I can before the baby comes and cuts me off for months during the breastfeeding.
You are the best momma out there, and kudos to their awesome palates!!
Hahaha, yes, pedis are in order. I've been wondering if anyone knew of a great place to go around here. Also looking for a place to get Jack's hair cut... But yes, we managed to avoid the Death that struck the wardroom... Justin was on duty the day of the super bowl party so we didn't go. Lucky us! I KNOW Jack and I would have caught it because our immune systems were crushed since we were both suffering through the flu (don't tell my doctors, I refused to get a flu shot even though I'm pregnant) complete with aches, fevers, etc. But I'll take coughing and runny noses over barfing and runny... well, you know... any day!
Pho my would totally beat anything too..OH but I live in Jacksonville, FL and the closest Pho that taste good is about 40 minutes away..lucky lucky me!
I avoid People of color restaurants that is "voted best of" it's usually voted by white folks and they dont know what they're talking about especially when it comes to ethnic cuisine! I can't wait for you to be here so I can introduce your kids to home-cooked Khmer cuisine..(that is if they haven't already.)
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